Over the last few years it’s safe to say that online shopping has exploded. It’s convenient, most sites offer free shipping and sometimes you can even snag better deals online than in stores. Who doesn’t love a good coupon code when something is full price?
Where things really get competitive is on the daily flash sale sites like Gilt, Rue La La and HauteLook. For the bigger name sales I feel like as soon as I open the browser everything is already taken or in someone’s cart. How do people get the goods one minute after a sale kicks off?!
If I can get something on super sale it’s a small victory and I feel like I’m somehow beating the system. The times that I end up paying full price are when my mother can purchase the same item, a week later and for 50% less than what I paid. Some people (my mom) have that gift, and others (me) don’t for some reason.
Since I’m sure some of yall shop on the flash sale sites too, I thought I’d share my top three tips on getting the items that you want before it’s all sold out.
+ Filter search as soon as you open the sale. Click on your size and go from there. I hate when I fall in love with something only for them to not even offer my size.
+ Start from the bottom of the page and scroll your way up. Most people are starting from the top and working their way down.
+ If you think you like something, place it in your shopping cart. I’ll fill my cart up and then eliminate items from there since they’re (typically) on reserve for 10-15 minutes.
PS: Another site that I’m a big fan of is Hukkster. While shopping online at your favorite stores, when you see an item that you like, “hukk it” and it will remember and save the item for you (in the size and color that you want!). You’ll then be notified when it goes on sale and any coupons that can be used with it.
I mean does it get any easier?
PPS: Anyone looking for a new read should check out By Invitation Only , by the two founders of Gilt. It’s an easy, interesting read.
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  1. August 29, 2013 / 9:52 am

    Good idea about starting from the bottom of the page. It is so frusgerating when you find something you love only for it to be in someone else’s shopping cart! And since Gilt, Hautelook , Rue La La etc only carry a few of an item this happens often. And yes all the good stuff always gets taken early. I think Hukkster is going to be my new friend that gets me in trouble!

  2. August 29, 2013 / 11:13 am

    It makes me cray when people steal stuff from my cart! It happened yesterday on Piperlime of all places! Hukkster sounds very very interesting! Thanks for the tip!

  3. August 29, 2013 / 11:41 am

    Was just reading an article in Real Simple about flash sale tips last night! 🙂 Definitely going to check out Hukkster.

  4. August 29, 2013 / 1:57 pm

    I loveeee online shopping!!

  5. August 29, 2013 / 6:44 pm

    Love the “start from the bottom of the page and scroll up” tip!
    I rarely seem to find any luck when shopping on Gilt and RueLaLa, but have been put on the wait list for several items that sold out quickly and I ended up getting them a month or so later!



  6. August 29, 2013 / 8:42 pm

    I used to shop on those sites and decided they were too overwhelming. Typically the only reason I want it is because all of a sudden it is unavailable!

  7. August 30, 2013 / 2:39 am

    I’m a member of a lot of flash sites but I’ve never bought anything from them since I can never go to them when the sale starts and then all the good stuff is gone. I’ll have to keep your tips in mind though next time I check them out.

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