Weekend Links / Turquoise and Teale

TGIF! Crazy to think that we only have 1 or 2 weekends left as a family of 3! I’ve been trying to soak up as much quality time with Olivia as I can before my attention gets even further divided. She starts a new school on Monday, so lots of exciting new changes coming her way in addition to a new little sister! We’re all heading to dinner this weekend as a joint birthday celebration for my dad and I and I can’t wait for a yummy meal out and homemade chocolate cake! Hope it’s cooling off wherever you are this weekend!

favorite links:
+ the 5 best ways to keep fresh berries good (I always do the paper towel trick!)
+ a tour of meghan markle’s former L.A. home
+ grilled vegetable recipes that look delicious!

sales & deals:
+ wanting this classic tortoise headband 
+ this button top would be so cute tucked into high waisted denim
+ such a great price on denim shorts you’ll wear year after year
+ if you need a large, textured rug, this is an insane price on one that would work in so many spaces
+ a pretty simple top with a *little* something extra


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1 Comment

  1. Biana
    August 9, 2019 / 2:15 pm

    I cant believe how fast this pregnancy flew by!! Enjoy the weekend with your little love! xo, Biana –BlovedBoston

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