Toddler Gift Guide / Turquoise and Teale

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I wanted to be sure and get my toddler gift guide out before Cyber Monday so you could take advantage of the savings! This was such a fun roundup to put together. All of these items are either ones Olivia has and loves, or is something she’s getting for Christmas!

  1. dyson vacuum: I feel like all kids love cleaning supplies and this one Olivia got last year is still a hit!
  2. activity kit: these sensory kits are such a cute idea and would be great at keeping tiny minds occupied. I want to order the princess one to put under our tree!
  3. stripe pajamas: for jammies that hold up wash after wash, I turn to Hanna Andersson. This sale price is the best time to stock up and they have lots of cute holiday options.
  4. mini bunny: the sweet little doll
  5. look and find books: we love these little “I spy” books!
  6. art easel: for the budding artist, this easel checks all the boxes — one side is a magnetic whiteboard and the other is chalkboard!
  7. doctor kit: the cutest wooden doctor kit that Olivia would love!
  8. lego duplo: these large legos are the best for little hands
  9. playdough kit: this kit saves me daily when I need to prepare dinner or take care of Elle. It includes 6 mini containers of playdough, cookie cutters and more to keep them entertained
  10. green market: really want to get this and have it set up when Olivia comes down the stairs Christmas morning! It includes the cash register, wooden fruit and all accessories.
  11. mix & match magnetic animals: my MIL brought these with her one trip and they’ve been such a hit with all kids that come over!
  12. food group set: we love this little set of wooden food groups. The crates fit perfectly in the fridge too!
  13. headphones: for airplane travel we have coming up – available in lots of fun colors!
  14. bitty baby: the classic bitty baby doll I had growing up (now Olivia has mine!) is now a little smaller and lighter. Perfect for toddlers!
  15. micro kick board scooter: always a fan of toys they can use for years to come and this is such a fun gift to give!
  16. play kitchen: easily one of our most played with toys. A great gender neutral option that doesn’t take up a lot of space


1 Comment

  1. Biana
    December 2, 2019 / 8:50 am

    I almost got Sophia that dyson vacuum because she loves ours so much! So many cute ideas here! xo, Biana –BlovedBoston

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