Weekend + Links

I’ve always loved summer, but I’ll be honest, this year I’m really wishing for those fall days. It’s just too hot to even be outside unless it’s in a body of water. Ya feel me? This past week I realized how much smoother weeknights go when I spend time meal planning on Sunday. It’s something I need to actively get better about doing,…
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Currently Loving

8 Other Reasons ring / Endless Rose dress / Matisse sandals Asos top / Lisi Lerch earrings / Zella leggings / Sonias Art Studio mug / Nike sneakers How cute is this gold ring? I love the little bling addition to each end. Endless Rose’s pieces are so pretty and their price points are even better! These sandals have been on…
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Baja Steak Salad

I love a good steak salad. It’s one of my favorite things to order on a menu when I need steak but need to balance it out with a big serving of veggies. Big salads are some of my favorite, easy summer dinners. Really anything that doesn’t involve turning on the oven is what I’m on board with (unless it’s chocolate…
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Why I Joined Beautycounter

When’s the last time you honestly looked at what is in the products you put on your skin each and every day? It becomes scary and overwhelming once you actually start looking in your bathroom. I started using Beautycounter about a year and a half ago and have been hooked ever since. Growing up I dealt with pesky breakouts like…
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Weekend + Links

Helllooo weekend! I’ve gotten hooked on Barre3 the past two weeks. Have any of y’all tried it? I love the variety that it offers more-so than Pure Barre. Tomorrow I’m meeting the girls for brunch to celebrate our friend’s soon-to-be twin babies! We’re all bringing the food and drinks to her and just relaxing for some quality girl time.  What do y’all…
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