Weekend + Links

I flew back up to St. Louis yesterday for the very last time! We’re celebrating Brian’s birthday this weekend and getting everything together before we make the full move to Atlanta soon. I spent the week trying to get  our apartment ready and it’s safe to stay we simply have too much stuff for this charming little abode. We opted…
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One Small Change

One of my goals for 2015 was to scale back on products that contain harmful chemicals and unnecessary ingredients. method hand soap and cleaning products have always been some of my favorites and I’m now a convert to their laundry detergent. I love that this detergent is super concentrated and is a biodegradable and hypoallergenic formula. The last thing I…
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Currently Loving + Giveaway

1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 ——— Let’s make this Wednesday a little more fun, shall we? It just so happens to be National Iced Tea day today!  As a true southerner, I grew up drinking tea that my dad used to make. My generous friends at Teavana sent over a Perfectea maker for me…
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Jalapeño Chicken Burgers

These jalapeño chicken burgers are what I’ll (read: Brian) be grilling up again and again this summer! Super easy to make and can be completely customized to your liking. I love that this was a way to mix up traditional burgers and stick with a lean protein. Fresh guacamole on top is key to sending these onto another level good. I…
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Weekend + Links

Week one is in the books for June. I’m already dreading how fast the summer months are going to fly by, so I better take full advantage of each week! I flew up to St. Louis for a quick two day trip to celebrate a work event for B and am heading over to Alabama tomorrow morning for a friend’s wedding.…
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