I have a serious weakness for beautiful leather goods and this bag from Whipping Post instantly won me over. Great shoes, totes and luggage always seem to catch my eye and make their way onto my wish list. A great piece of leather is just like wine and cheese, it only gets better with age. Sure, they tend to be…
Like almost everyone around the country, my week started out with an arctic blast. Crazy snowstorms pushed B’s flight back from Saturday morning until Tuesday morning. The best thing to come from the weather was a few extra days holed up with the fiancé (still getting used to that!). I was thinking of those of you in Chicago and the midwest that…
I always like trying new appetizers or snacks that take hardly any work but taste amazing. Last year I shared one of my favorite snacks, garlic ranch pretzels, and these are right up there with them. These are perfect to throw in the car for long road trips, days spent at the beach or pool and any tailgate. I like…