Life Lately

[ Spent last weekend down on 30A for my friend Danielle’s  Beyonce themed bachelorette. My shirt is under $40!] Since I haven’t been home long enough to make a meal and not throw away the leftovers, we’re going to push today’s recipe sharing to next week. It’s been a crazy few weeks with tons of fun things going on, so let’s…
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Our Wedding Video!

Watching this highlight reel for our wedding video always makes me break out in the biggest smile, tear up and remember what an absolutely amazing day April 11th was for Brian and I. At first I was hesitant to share such an imitate part of my life with y’all, but as someone who also loves wedding videos I know how fun they…
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Heading Out

I’m heading out early this week as family and friends start to arrive today in Charleston! Brian and I are beyond excited for the weekend ahead and so ready for the festivities to kick off. Honestly, I don’t think it’ll hit me until Saturday morning that our wedding is actually here. Thank y’all so much for the kind words along…
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Penny For Your Thoughts

I’m rarely the blogger that schedules her posts a week in advance (that would make things so much easier..), but this time I’m mixing things up. Since I’m heading to the Caribbean for our honeymoon, I thought now would be a perfect time to put together posts that y’all have been wanting to see/know. So, toss all of your ideas my…
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Bloomingdale’s Sale Picks

Family & Friends season is starting this week with Bloomingdales and 25% off! Perfect time to add a few pieces to your wardrobe for the warm weather ahead. I’m sharing some of my favorites from the sale and scooping up a few of the below!
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