Happy Holidays

Wishing all of y’all very merry Christmas and happy holidays! xx
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Holiday Fuel with LUNA + Giveaway

It always seems that once the holidays arrive it’s a constant go go go. Since I’m frequently on the move, I make sure to always carry a few key staples with me wherever I am. I’m a notorious snacker and eat by the ‘5 small meals’ per day mentality. LUNA bars are something that I’ve been carrying with me since college,…
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Jingle Bell Frock

Choosing the right holiday dress can be a feat within itself. To make it easier I’ve teamed up with a few of my SBSociety girls and The Shops Around Lenox to share a favorite holiday outfit of mine from The Impeccable Pig. I think we can all agree that leopard is a neutral (thanks Jenna Lyons!). Leopard with a touch…
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Weekend + New Orleans Recap

Last week was one of those that you never wanted to end. Brian and I took advantage of his week vacation and headed down to New Orleans for a few days. Excuse the iPhone pictures, but it’s all I carried with me this week. Thank you to everyone that sent in recommendations of things to do! We both loved the…
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[Styled] Wrapped Up

If you were to stand in front of my wardrobe you’d notice an obvious gravitation toward neutral colors. Over three-fourths of my closet is black, gray or white and I’m perfectly ok with it. A great white blouse is something I can never seem to have enough of, and when I saw this gorgeous one from Calypso St. Barth I knew…
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