Weekend Recap

It’s been ages since I’ve shared a weekend recap, so we’re bringing it back with my weekend in DC. The past two times I’ve visited the city have been in the summer, so it was a refreshing change to experience some fall weather and bundle up. On Friday we started off with a barre class at Biker Barre to get in…
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9 Must Read Fall Books

I’m a big reader year-round, but once the cooler weather arrives I really love curling up with a good book. The Oyster app makes powering through books a breeze and is so easy to use when traveling. I also like to keep it old school and hi . Here’s my breakdown and notes on the above books: Read: Lessons From Madame…
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T&T Travels to…

… New Orleans! Next month B and I are taking advantage of a rare vacation he has and heading to Louisiana! My previous time spent in New Orleans consists of one night before our senior year spring break cruise. Needless to say we spent that evening on Bourbon Street. This time around, I’m looking for a somewhat different experience. It seems…
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Wedding Update

Saturday marked the six month countdown to B and I’s big day! It’s hard to believe how quickly time is flying by. I lucked out working with a fabulous wedding planner whose style is so similar to mine that it makes designing everything so simple. We toured venues a few days after getting engaged so that B could be able to…
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Currently Loving

1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 
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