Onli Beverages (Giveaway!)

My friends and I are always sharing new favorites- sales, hot spots around town and of course beverages. When it comes to new brand Onli, the drink possibilities are endless. This is the sparkling beverage that truly works for all occassions. Toss it in the cooler for tailgating time, serve it as a stand alone drink, or mix it with…
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Happy Weekend!

via It’s almost weekend time party people! The week was a crazy work filled one  and I’m ready for my share of fun this weekend. Monday started off on the right foot when I met up with the lovely ladies of Peach Gingham and K.Bailey Styles. Meeting blog friends in real life is so fun. It’s like sitting down with…
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Healthy + Fit (Sharing my tips)

via It wasn’t until right after college that I really got into learning about the food I was eating and the balance between eating right and working out. Growing up it wasn’t something I worried too much about since I was always at tennis practice, running around and lucked out with a fast metabolism. Now, reading about the health benefits…
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Life Lately

Happy fall y’all! (aka: the best season) We’ve finally been getting some consistently cooler temperatures in the south and I’m already eager to whip out the boots, scarves and jackets. Don’t get me wrong, spring and summer are wonderful, but it just gets too hot and nothing beats crisp mornings and chilly nights. Let’s back up and see what’s been…
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Turquoise and Teale 2.0

Welcome to the new and improved Turquoise and Teale! You can now keep up just by going to and/or following along through any of the social media icons to your right. I’m working on getting the tabs categorized as quickly as possible, but until then if you have any problems finding recipes or anything on the site you can…
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