Charleston Naturally

As I get older what I put on my body is becoming just as important as what I put in it. I’ve been slowly converting to organic and natural skincare lines that I’ll discover in Whole Foods, at Sephora or read about in magazines/blogs. They’ve caused less breakouts, reduced shine and generally made my skin  feel better. Charleston Naturally is a skincare store…
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Queen of Hearts

1/2/3/4/5 Now that January is already halfway over I’m on to thinking about February. Even though it’s another month of guaranteed cold weather (bleh) ,  I love the girly vibe that Valentine’s Day surfaces. I get it, most people hate the holiday and think it’s overrated. For me, I’m a fan since I love heart shaped objects year round. Cookie…
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Words for the Week

via Go spread some kindness this week 🙂
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At the Ankle

via In the south, warm weather (thankfully) arrives starting in March. At this point I’m beyond ready to shed some layers and let my legs breathe in flowy skirts and dresses. The problem is that it’s sometimes not warm enough to wear sandals. The solution? Pairing the skirt/dress/ ankle jeans with adorable ankle booties. Ankle boots are a great alternative…
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Golden Globes + Winner!

Another Monday back at it friends. Why must the weekends go by so quickly? I love award season, but my favorite part is the red carpet and these ladies were stunning last night. From the gorgeous gowns to the perfectly coordinated accessories here are a few of my favorite looks from the evening. Also, can Tina Fey & Amy Poehler…
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