
It’s been a whirlwind of a past few weeks.. with everything going on I thought I’d let pictures tell the story…  [al fresco dinner in Vegas]  [work after party at the Venetian pool]  [my handsome beau graduated from medical school] and a BIG congrats to one of my close friends, Kate on her engagement! Not that we haven’t seen this…
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Work Travels + Contest Winner

I’m headed to Las Vegas for work the next few days. While it’ll be jammed packed, I’m hoping to squeeze some fun time in  and maybe even try my hand at some gambling 🙂 In more exciting news….. The winner of the Puddleduck Paper Co. giveaway is #2 Sadie + Stella! I’ll be emailing you soon with the details 🙂…
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Peek into: Beachside Retreat

To paint a better picture of Seaside, FL for you, I thought I’d take you on a house tour. To say this place is special is more than an understatement. It’s where we spend Thanksgiving with all the family, summer vacations and weekend getaways. Not to mention taking numerous trips down here every year of college with my closest friends. The…
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[Giveaway] Puddleduck Paper Co.

For as long as I can remember, I’ve always loved sending little notes via snail mail. While I’m beyond thankful for the convenience and ease of telephones, text messages and emails, I think there’s something special about opening the mailbox and finding an unexpected letter amidst the stack of bills/junk mail/magazines. From birthday wishes to thank you’s, the art of…
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Vacation Review

    We couldn’t have asked for a more wonderful and relaxing beach vacation last week in Seaside, FL. It’s one of my favorite places and holds endless memories made with family and friends. Last week Brian and I flew down to meet my parents and switched into relaxation mode. We spent the days soaking up the sun and reading…
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