doterra oils

My close group of  friends and I all owe our obsession with essential oils to one of my best friend’s, Maggie. Every trip post college that we have been on she’s packed up her little glass bottles of doTERRA oils for a multitude of uses. Lately I feel like oils have taken over the internet, but I didn’t really know a lot about them and what they can do until the past few months. doTERRA are the ones that I now use and swear by. Each oil is certified pure therapeutic grade, meaning they’re both pure and potent.

I thought it’d be helpful and fun to break it down with the three most used oils and what I use them for.

lemon doterra essential oil

Lemon:  If you want to start with oils and don’t know where to really begin, this is the one for you. doTERRA sources their lemon from Sicily, Italy and is my personal favorite. It’s packed with so many benefits such as naturally cleansing the body and helping with digestion, supporting healthy respiratory function and can be used as a non-toxic cleaning product.

We all know how good for you lemon water is, but the lemons cut up in restaurants always make me a little nervous. Do you really know where they’ve been or what germs are sitting on them? When traveling I bring the lemon bottle with me (it’s tiny) and add a drop to my water glass. You can also add a couple of drops to warm water with honey to help soothe an irritated throat and boost your immune system.

Peppermint doterra essential oils

Peppermint: I love the way this oil always re-energizes me. If you already have the lemon oil, you can add a drop of this to the lemon water for a natural mouth wash. Benefits of peppermint include healthy respiratory function and clear breathing (helps with seasonal threats so much!), promoting good digestive health and can even be used to repel bugs naturally.

This little bottle is great to carry around if you get head tension. Rub a drop or two on your temples for relief!

Lavender doterra essential oil

Lavender: The smell of amazing spa’s around the world. doTERRA sources their lavender from the Provence region of France and is easily my second favorite oil. After a stressful day I reach for the lavender for it’s calming qualities. Grab a glass of wine, light the candles and add a few drops of lavender oil to the bath for relaxation. You can also put some of the oil on your pillows, bedding, or the bottom of your feet before bed. We had lavender diffusing as we got ready for all of the weddings this year. It really helped keep the space calm and relaxed (#hippiechic).

Crazy dog mom moment: when Oliver wasn’t sleeping through the night, Maggie suggested putting a drop of lavender on each paw before bedtime. We’ve been doing it nightly ever since and not only is he sleeping through the night, he isn’t whining as he falls asleep. It’s just like the Budweiser football commercial with superstitions. It’s only crazy if it doesn’t work. 😉

I have the introductory kit that was only $27 for all 3 of the above and find that those are ones I use consistently. Next up to purchase is a diffuser so I can have lavender going while we fall asleep or during an at home spa night!

*Use this link to purchase from the site without having an id/password

disclaimer: this isn’t a sponsored post nor do I profit from anything purchased. It’s just a product I use and love!



  1. October 1, 2015 / 6:11 am

    I’ve been thinking about getting a few to test out for certain things and I think I’ll start with the ones you love!! xo, Biana –BlovedBoston

  2. October 1, 2015 / 8:05 am

    The lemon sounds perfect, but how amazing is that price for all three! I will definitely be checking into this brand.
    xo, Whitney and Blaire
    Peaches In A Pod

  3. October 1, 2015 / 8:23 am

    ah i love doterra! i actually have a myriad of them on me today bc i’m not feeling so hot. they are true lil miracle workers! and so versatile. i have an “oil bible” as i call it that tells me a million ways to use it. love!

    xoxo cheshire kat

  4. October 1, 2015 / 8:24 am

    I haven’t jumped on the essential oil bandwagon yet but I hear nothing but great things. When I decide to make the plunge I will definitely be getting these!!

  5. October 1, 2015 / 8:28 am

    okay i keep thinking i need to get into these, and haven’t since we’ve been constantly on the road traveling – once we settle down i think i need to become a believer! 🙂


  6. October 1, 2015 / 8:30 am

    Thanks so much for sharing this, I’ve been looking into oils but haven’t committed yet. Love hearing how you use them!!

  7. October 1, 2015 / 8:36 am

    I bought that starters kit and LOVE IT! I have wanted to try oils for awhile but wasn’t sure which ones to try because there are so many. My yoga teacher shares hers during class sometimes so I bought them from her earlier this year. I’ve found lavender to be my favorite, it truly calms me down and helps me sleep.

  8. October 1, 2015 / 9:09 am

    I’m so glad you posted this because I’ve been so curious about oils, but don’t know too much about them! This sounds like the perfect starting place and you can’t beat that price!

  9. October 1, 2015 / 10:53 am

    I’ve been meaning to try EO for such a long time now but it’s overwhelming. I’ll try with these three first =) I’ve heard great things about lavender especially.

  10. October 1, 2015 / 11:00 am

    I have been wanting to get into essential oils. I don’t know much about them but have a lot of friends that rave about them.

    Fash Boulevard

  11. October 1, 2015 / 12:19 pm

    Gosh, I totally should love essential oils too but I’ve never spent any time focusing on them – these sound heavenly!

  12. October 1, 2015 / 2:59 pm

    I have been hearing a lot about essential oils lately! Lavender is my favorite scent and I find it so relaxing! I will have to check these out!

  13. October 1, 2015 / 3:54 pm

    I’ve never used essential oils, but after reading this, you’ve made me want to try them. Those definitely sound like the three I would go for too. Thanks for sharing!

  14. October 1, 2015 / 6:04 pm

    I have heard so much about essential oils, but I have never tried them. I get headaches (sometimes they’re migraines) once a month and I would love to try that peppermint oil for relief. Thank you so much for sharing!!

  15. October 1, 2015 / 7:10 pm

    I’ve never tried essential oils, but they sound amazing! Especially for colds and illnesses.

  16. October 1, 2015 / 7:28 pm

    I have been using essential oils for a couple months now and love them!!! Always good to see what other people use them for.

  17. jillian
    October 1, 2015 / 8:01 pm

    thanks for sharing! i have been interested in try oils, especially after i smelled the lavender one but i didnt really know where to start. xoxo

  18. October 2, 2015 / 1:23 pm

    First off your blog is so beautiful and I’m so so happy I stumbled across it!!!
    I also love to use lavender as a night oil before i sleep to calm me down

    xoxo Rebecca

  19. October 2, 2015 / 7:36 pm

    I have never really gotten into using essential oils, and to be honest, before reading this post, wasn’t even sure how to use them! But actually, I now want to try to incorporate them into my health and beauty routine. Thanks for the inspiration and information!

    Rae | Love from Berlin

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