8 Months with Olivia

It’s safe to say I’m always a little behind on these posts, but each month seems to be busier than the one before. Our sweet Olivia turned 8 months old on the 28th and I feel like a broken record, but this is such a fun stage! Her first bottom tooth is just about to break through (read: lots of drooling and putting everything in her mouth) and we’re getting better and better about eating. She’ll eat anything when I feed it to her, but getting her to feed herself is a definite exercise in patience. Thankfully she’s still a solid sleeper (knock on wood) and a great car trip companion.  This month she said ‘mama’ for the first time and my heart exploded. Now I’m ready for the warm weather to arrive so we can get outside and enjoy it–  we’re heading to the beach later this month and I can’t wait to take her swimming and in the ocean for the first time!


+ Baby Babble Books: my sister in law gave us this book for Christmas and it’s been a favorite of Olivia’s ever since. These books are tear-proof, chew-proof, drool-proof, you name it (and trust me, they’ve been put to the test).

+ Suction Animal Rattle toys: another gift from my SIL and these are the best for easy entertainment. I put one on her activity center, one on the table when we’re out to eat and usually have at least one in my purse at any given time. They have a gentle rattle to them and wiggle side to side.

+ Weighted Straw Cup: we’ve been using these cups for a few months and they were an easy transition to help her learn to drink from a straw. I usually give her this with some water throughout the day or with her snacks.

+ Lil’ Critters Moosical Beads: I hesitated including this because the songs and music on this toy are obnoxious, but Olivia loves this toy and it always captures her attention. When it’s just the two of us in long car trips I keep this gem hidden until times are desperate and I need something to occupy her for a solid amount of time — this’ll do the trick. We’ve had this for a few months as well and she still loves playing with it.






  1. April 9, 2018 / 9:18 am

    She is PRECIOUS!! How has it already been 8 months?!

  2. Biana
    April 9, 2018 / 10:05 am

    I can’t believe she’s already 8 months old and cutting her first tooth – so many wonderful milestones! xo, Biana –BlovedBoston

  3. April 9, 2018 / 11:01 am

    Can’t believe she is already 8 months! Marin is coming up on a year and I’m freaking out – how did it go by so fast?? That’s awesome she is sleeping so well and using a sippy cup! We have having trouble on both those fronts haha! xx

  4. April 9, 2018 / 1:58 pm

    She is so adorable!! I can’t believe she is already 8 months! She just looks so happy all of the time!

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