Kopari Coconut Deodorant ReviewWhen I shared on Instagram stories that I was testing out the popular Kopari coconut deodorant, many of you asked to hear what I thought after trying it. Before Kopari I used Native (which I liked!) and the nonnatural anti-perperspirant Secret. It’s sweltering hot in the southeast during the summer. I need something that works and works really well. I committed to using only Kopari for 1 month and loved that they emailed over this helpful chart to walk me through the detoxing process.

Kopari Deodorant ReviewKopari Coconut Deodorant Review
Kopari Deodorant Review vs Native
Kopari Deodorant Review

Week 1 and 2 were just as described… but I feel like week 1 was the hardest. Or maybe I was just paranoid and had a sensitive nose? Either way, I kept the Kopari with me and re-applyed throughout the day as needed. After looking back on this, testing it out during the winter probably would have been a better idea 🙂 I knew this natural deodorant was better for me so I kept at it, even though I thought about switching back to my regular one at least daily. Things started to ease up on week 4, which I just finished. I definitely felt like I sweat less, but still found it a little annoying to have to re-apply as needed.

I did like the consistency and application of the Kopari better than the Native — it glides on and easily twists up for more. The biggest thing to remember when making the switch from an anti-perspirant ( Secret, Dove, Degree) to a deodorant, is that it won’t keep you from sweating. You will be sweating out toxins and the natural deodorant is there to help somewhat mask the smell, while still allowing them to leave your body, versus clogging your pores like an anti-perspirant.

If you’re willing to give your body some time to adjust to a natural deodorant and lightly mask the smell of body odor instead of completely eliminating it, than Kopari could be a great fit for you! If you’re someone who doesn’t want to deal with sweating or any odor, an anti-perspirant would likely be the better route.

Have y’all tried any natural deodorants? I’d love to hear any favorites and thoughts about the product!



  1. susyqstyles
    September 6, 2018 / 9:37 am

    Thanks Ashley for update on this as I was curious about the results…..I think I will be sticking with my Degree! Just seems to work for me.

  2. Carri
    September 6, 2018 / 10:45 am

    I had no idea it took 4 weeks for it to really start working and notice a difference – I have Kopari as well, and am so-so on it. When I would work out, it did nothing to mask the odor, so I started using my Degree for workouts, and only Kopari when I knew I wouldn’t be sweating much. I may need to give it some more time than and actually stick with it to see. Are you going to continue to use Kopari?

    • Ashley
      September 6, 2018 / 11:18 am

      I’m going to do the same! Use Kopari majority of the time (for now), but for cardio workouts or anytime I’ll be sweating more than normal, I’ll probably use something stronger. I could definitely see myself using the Kopari daily during the winter. It’s just tough when the heat index is 100 right now!

  3. September 6, 2018 / 3:45 pm

    Gosh fair play to you for sticking with it – I’m actually not sure I could cope with the stress of “do I need to reapply”, I’d be putting it on every two seconds haha!!

    Rebecca | http://www.peppermintdolly.com

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