Sweetening Your Morning

I’ve always been a morning person. I love getting up early, even on the weekends, and having the entire day ahead ahead of me. On the flip side, I have the hardest time staying up late. Staying up until 3 AM? It’s a serious struggle. I start pretty much all mornings the same: a cup of coffee, Good Morning America…
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5 Inspiring TED Talks

I love inspiring messages. Reading books that motivate me to change the way I live and think, TED Talks  to listen to whenever I’m in a need of a pick me up or scrolling through Pinterest for encouraging words.  During the work day I try and listen to a new TED Talk depending on my mood. I love how the…
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Weekend + Links

Happy weekend friends! I’m ready for a relaxing Friday night in and then Saturday B and I are hitting the road to Greenville for the day to visit his family. If you haven’t been to Greenville lately, it’s cuter than ever and worth the stop if you’re headed that way. Keeping it short and sweet this week. Have a wonderful…
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Our Weekend In Pittsburgh

[blush dress (sold out, here in white) and bride’s maxi dress .Big fan of this brand!] This past weekend my closest girlfriends and I all flew up to Pittsburgh to celebrate our sweet friend Katie’s wedding. It was most of our first time to the city and we lucked out with picture perfect weather— no humidity and sunny skies. After landing Friday morning…
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The Frye Company Atlanta

Frye has long been one of my favorite boot brands. They’re shoes and bags that cost a little more but I have never been disappointed with the quality or craftsmanship. I’ve had my Melissa frye boots for years and they only get better (and more comfortable!)  with age. When I found out Atlanta’s first Frye shop was opening at Ponce City Market,…
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