One Small Change

One of my goals for 2015 was to scale back on products that contain harmful chemicals and unnecessary ingredients. method hand soap and cleaning products have always been some of my favorites and I’m now a convert to their laundry detergent. I love that this detergent is super concentrated and is a biodegradable and hypoallergenic formula. The last thing I…
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Life Lately

Welcome to June friends! It’s been a while since I’ve done a ‘Life Lately’ post and I always love reflecting back on everything that’s been going on. We’re in a (very) busy season of life, so these posts are the perfect little trip down memory lane for me. Let’s jump right in! >> [ spring favorites: top / jeans / shoes…
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Memorial Day Sales

Even though the holiday weekend is almost over, it’s not too late to shop the Memorial Day sales that’re happening everywhere! I’ve rounded up a few favorite sales and the items I’m eyeing below. Happy shopping friends! >> Memorial Day Sales << + J.Crew : 30% off // the summer wedding guest dress, a great pair of embellished shorts , the coverup…
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Weekend + Links

Happy three day weekend friends! This is my first weekend back in Atlanta since March and I couldn’t be more pumped for a few days at home. I spent this week moving into Brian and I’s new place and will be sifting through the boxes for days. The type-A person that I am wants (needs) to have all the boxes…
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Hermitage Bay Honeymoon

You know those places you’ve visited, but they were so much more beautiful than any pictures would do justice? That’s how Brian and I felt about Antigua. We jetted off Sunday after the wedding to a week in paradise at Hermitage Bay. Our little hillside villa #33 was perfectly situated up on the hill and gave us a perfect view…
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