Healthy Grocery Store Staples

Some of my favorite posts to read are ones that give a glimpse into other’s refrigerators, pantries, beauty cabinets, etc. Today I’m excited to share my favorite, healthy grocery store staples with y’all! These are the things that I always have on hand and use constantly. Bear with me, it’s a little text heavy!

Fresh fruit is a given. It’s a great way to satisfy a sweets craving in a healthy way. Two clementines make a great mid-morning snack, while I reach for a half banana + 1 tbsp almond butter for pre-workout fuel. Trader Joe’s raw and creamy or Justin’s almond butter are my two favorite brands. These packets are great for traveling and I always have one in my bag, just in case. I have an avocado obsession. Obviously we all love a good piece of avo toast, but it’s great with eggs and I top all salads with a few slices.

Organic apple cider vinegar (with the mother) is one of those all purpose products that every house needs. It’s a great addition to homemade salad dressing and I take shots of it whenever I feel something coming on. This article touches on a few benefits and uses. Organic honey and cinnamon are right up there with apple cider vinegar. I use cinnamon like it’s going out of style. It goes on my plain greek yogurt, in my oatmeal and topped on my coffee. Both are great natural sweeteners!

Red pepper flakes and garlic are two spices that I use almost every time I’m cooking dinner. We like dishes spicy so I’m always upping the heat with red pepper flakes. Sprinkle it on avocado toast for an added kick. Garlic goes in pretty much everything from salad dressings to most dinner dishes. Love Lauryn’s article on the benefits of garlic.

Siggis Yogurt

I loveee some yogurt. Specifically Siggi’s. I typically have a yogurt parfait (or oatmeal) for breakfast and like to sweeten the plain flavor with cinnamon, organic honey or almond butter. These little individual containers make great afternoon snacks with enough protein to hold you over until dinner. No artificial preservatives, thickeners, sweeteners or flavors are in any of their yogurts.

Bobo Bars are some of my favorite snack bars (along with KIND bars). These are great for mornings on the go when you don’t have a lot of time for breakfast. The cinnamon raisin flavor is so.freaking.good. These bars are non-gmo and made up of natural and organic ingredients. I pick all of these up at Whole Foods.

Goji Berries are my natural version of fruit candy. These are great tossed in snack mixes, topped on yogurt or oatmeal or I’ll even eat these just straight out of the bag. So good! Another Whole Foods purchase.

Almond milk- Suja Juice

Lastly, beverages! Our tea collection has gotten a little out of hand lately… I love having organic ginger tea after lunch to help with digestion and if you have any nausea. If you’re a green tea lover, pick up this kombucha version. It’s a great 3 pm pick me up! We really only keep the above beverages (plus kombucha , beer  and wine) at home. La Croix is something we go through far too quickly. We’re addicted .

Suja Juices are so good and come in a variety of prices so you can choose what works best for your budget. The ‘essentials’ collection tastes just as good as their standard line! We also get our almondmilk from Whole Foods and use it in everything from baking to smoothies.

I’d love to know what healthy grocery staples y’all always make sure to have on hand!
What health/fitness related posts would y’all be interested in seeing next?



  1. January 14, 2016 / 5:56 am

    Thanks for sharing girl! I haven’t tried a lot of these products so I’m definitely going to look for them my next shopping trip! I love yogurt so those are definitely top on my list! <3, Pamela Sequins & Sea Breezes

  2. January 14, 2016 / 6:04 am

    I’m a huge fan of Suja juices and I love the Whole Foods brand as well. I don’t like very many veggies so it’s a different way for me to get what I need!

    Christina :: Simple and Delish

  3. January 14, 2016 / 6:25 am

    I need to start eating more yogurt – I was eating one every day and then realized that even the “healthy” ones still had sugar – so I’ll give these a try! We love garlic over here too – such a great thing to cook with! xo, Biana –BlovedBoston

  4. January 14, 2016 / 6:40 am

    I need to use cinnamon more and get an organic vinegar. Love your healthy list, we are big Greek yogurt fans here too, I use it instead is sourcream.


    Whitney & Blaire

    Peaches In A Pod

  5. jillian
    January 14, 2016 / 8:00 am

    i need to start buying la croix — whenever i have it i love it! xo jillian

  6. January 14, 2016 / 8:48 am

    That yogurt is really good and so are those Bobo bars. 🙂 Fun post and thank you for sharing lady! 🙂

  7. January 14, 2016 / 8:50 am

    Yum this haul is delicious. We cook with garlic all the time!

  8. January 14, 2016 / 8:51 am

    ok i’m pretty sure we have the same shopping list haha. i love suja juices and kombucha. and bragg’s ACV! necessary to only get that brand. great post girl!

    xoxo cheshire kat

  9. January 14, 2016 / 10:09 am

    I am such a bar person, always have 3 in my bag at all times and I definitely need to check out those bobo bars they sound like something I would totally be down with!

  10. January 14, 2016 / 10:42 am

    Yuuumm. I think my staples are a lot more boring than this! We always have green food (spinach, kale, broccoli, etc), because it’s our goal to have ample greens with each meal. I also don’t think I could live without my tahini, rolled oats, cacao powder and frozen berries! I think I need to go eat breakfast. 🙂

  11. January 14, 2016 / 10:58 am

    I love La Croix and the almond butter! I need to actually go to the store!

  12. January 14, 2016 / 12:45 pm

    Your grocery staples are so similar to mine! The one thing I need to eat more of is fruit, I just never think to reach for it!

  13. January 14, 2016 / 1:43 pm

    Great list! You definitely eat very healthy and I love it! I just added a bunch more Siggi’s to my never-ending Fresh Direct cart after reading this 😉

  14. January 14, 2016 / 4:18 pm

    I love getting to peek into other people’s fridges (seriously, it was the first thing I would do when my parents took me to their friends houses when I was little…haha). I love your healthy picks!

  15. January 14, 2016 / 6:06 pm

    I normally always shop at TJs so it’s really nice to see what healthy stuff others buy at grocery stores! I get so overwhelmed when I’m shopping for food!

  16. January 14, 2016 / 7:34 pm

    Awesome list! My fridge is always stocked with yogurt, and you just reminded me that I need to re-stock on almond butter and almond milk <3

    Green Fashionista

  17. January 14, 2016 / 8:00 pm

    Love this post!! I have never tried some of these items so I need to keep them in mind for my next shopping trip!

  18. January 20, 2016 / 2:04 pm

    Love this post and getting to peak inside your pantry! That Yogi Tea is amazing. I drink it in the morning and afternoon. Look forward to more posts like this!

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